Monday, April 30, 2012

GW2 Ruined WoW

Guild Wars 2 ruined WoW for me.

I played SWTOR and came back no problem. The animations and terrible expertise mechanic was enough to make WoW look good.

I tried Rift for a bit, and while the graphics were nice the animations and some of the combat felt a little bit off. It was essentially a wow clone with a few new ideas.

I tried Tera's open beta weekend and had a great time for the most part. I'll go into more detail on that later, but realistically it has way too many grindy elements.

I played Guild Wars 2's first public beta weekend. Best gaming experience I'd had in a long time. I've heard enough from the developer blogs to know they are moving in the right direction. They are working on bringing the next generation of MMO's.

My joy with this is primarily from a game designers perspective. But I nearly completely lost that perspective as I played the game. Its only when I would stop between recordings to view and compress that I had a chance to regain that perspective again. This game gave me hope in the industry. So many problems were solved. The PvE was amazing, the PvP was amazing, the entire experience was nearly exactly what I hoped to see.

I realize that its still an uphill battle against established WoW players. Many may not even take a look. But they would be missing out on what could be. GW2 not only solves MMO game mechanics, it solves some gamer interaction mechanics. There is plenty more to say about this, but I'm working on compressing the rest of my videos from the beta to go into more detail.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Seven Days

I only have 7 days. As I mentioned recently, I used a scroll of resurrection on my main account. Now I have access to any of several max level characters. Multiple copies of all heirlooms with all applicable enchants. An completionist enchanter with stacks of scrolls of vanilla enchants ranging from the simple +15 spell power to bracers to +20 shadow power to gloves and everything in between. Vanilla tier sets that I could use to mog heirlooms.

Somehow I completely do not care. I played a few max leveled toons for a bit and was seriously bored out of my mind.

The only thing that got me interested was planning various solos. I could run a solo raid as a 85 dk, solo MC on an old 80 lock. Maybe even use a lowbie pally and try to solo every dungeon in the game at the lowest level available.

The last p2p wow project I was working on was a twink warrior. I was locking exp gearing for bis at each level. It was tedious. It was overpowered. It was boring.

Why? Its like instantly having access to everything in the game. But I don't care... interestingly I found that I have a few lowbie sergeants (level 26 mage, level 27 lock) and a several other "retired" twinks with old school titles. Back then I twinked at odd levels to give some kind of challenge. I suppose I do the same thing now.

I'm also downloading Tera while I type this. I've been giving rift a chance, and I've been working on rescheduling the latest iteration of my own game projects. This is all while my 7 days tick away.

Slash Played

So... how long have you been playing this game? I worked out a simple algorithm to determine how to convert /played into semester hours. But first! I started playing Rift. Its an interesting game. The combat already has much more depth at level 10 than anything wow has sub level 40.

Graphics are interesting and its been awhile since I've had the chance to enjoy blissful ignorance. But its also frustrating playing something where I don't already know exactly where to gear or level. Its fun and free for the first 20 levels so I'd recommend trying it out.

So about WoW and slash played. Could you really have completed a degree with all the time you've spent playing?

Some simple steps to convert to semester hours:
1. Multiple your days played by 24 to get a number of hours
2. Add in your hours played to get a total number of hours
3. Divide this number by 40 to get the equivalent number of semester hours

Now check this number against these values:
64+ Associates ( approx. 107 days /played)
124+ Bachelors ( approx. 207 days /played)
170+ Masters ( approx. 283 days /played)
200+ PhD (approx. 333 days /played)

My f2p wow account has approximately 34.5 days played across all characters. Half of this is mage played time. In order to find my paid account stats I finally accepted a scroll of resurrection. Yes, I used the one time only scroll for research. Altoholic made this extremely easy. I simply logged into each toon and altoholic recorded all the /played data.

My main wow account has approximately 269 days played across all characters. There is a character or two I deleted here that probably add up to approximately 10 days (original deleted vulcano is at least that much /played). But wait, there is more. I also had a twink account that mostly contained 29s and 39s. Realistically, most of that /played time is already accounted for on my main account by taking myself through nearly infinite Uldaman runs. I played mage warrior and lock the most. I imagine at least 10 days each. So there is at least 30 days played on my twink account.

My grand total is over 343.5 days. Also known as a PhD in WoW. The vast majority of that time is spent on mages, shamans, and finally rogues. Its a little sad to know that PhD in WoW doesn't pay very well. The market is probably oversaturated anyways.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Word Twink

I began the perilous journey of the first step. The task was simple, research the history of twinking. Twinking means different things to different people. The history of "twinking" goes back to pen and paper games. I know what it means to me, and know what it means to most people. I began the search on google. I mean... who wouldn't just google it?

And thus the problem comes out again. The real reason that I twink. But I'll get to that in a moment, for now lets look at the two resources I selected:

Seems straight forward enough. Except this has nothing to do with why I twink. I briefly mentioned my start in twinking in the verbose post There and Back again. I am not a twink. I'm an anti-twink. Realistically, patch 3.2 put an end to anti-twinking. Twinks were all just facing each other at that point right? Well almost. Eventually I heard about F2P twinking and came back. I made a toon on the underdog side and jumped in. The f2p matchs were one-sided as far as gear goes. But I believe I still fullfilled a role of anti-twink, at least for awhile.

I'm going to drop this section from the "How to Twink" guide. I want to focus on the good characteristics only. Such as diligence in performing the best that you can. In fact, I'll probably reorder this as a How to Improve guide instead.

1. How to Improve – leads into what skill is
2. Defining Skill – which leads into
      2.1 Controlling your Character – doing what you want to do
      2.2 Managing Cooldowns – knowing your opponents
      2.3 Decision Making – choosing what you want to do

Monday, April 16, 2012

Roadmap: How to Twink

I've selected my first major project about twinking information. I'll be writing and making videos on "How to Twink." I have not setteled on a name yet, but once the project is complete it can act as a way to demystify twinking.

The general roadmap so far:
1. History of twinking – the name and meaning with ridiculous generalizations
2. Defining Skill – which leads into
      2.1 Controlling your Character – doing what you want to do
      2.2 Managing Cooldowns – knowing your opponents
      2.3 Decision Making – choosing what you want to do
3. How to Improve – could be its own project, but it fits with what I intend to do here

This project is the "focus". But I will also be adding updates on my twinks activities. I want to put the core information of twinking in this project so future projects can focus on class mechanics and strategy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Máni's first Heirloom

Finally got a Dignified Headmaster's Charge for Máni. The difference is AMAZING! I really missed playing a high level elemental shaman and a somewhat geared druid can have a similiar playstyle. Great offensive power and reasonable offhealing.

I had the fortune of facing an AP ally premade for my first pug after I got this beauty :)

So yes, I pug a lot and I haven't gone into much detail yet on why. Matches like this are part of it though.

And because this is my first post about Máni I think a few general screens shots are in order. The transmog is mostly green and leafy for that traditional druid look. Right now he still needs leather heirlooms for chest and shoulders so he has cloth mogs right now.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Greets everyone, I am Deadvulcano. I want to maintain something of a public log on various activities and thoughts concerning gaming in general, and specificially WoW.

Not sure if I'm going to put game development stuff in here or log it another way. But the flavor of these posts will be obvious soon.

If you are familiar with my F2P MageReview on twinkinfo you will see similar reviews here in the future. It certainly won't be that detailed but it will be similar to an extended summary section.

Other things I'm looking forward to writing here include things like "Why I twink", "Why I pug", and "How I fix my mistakes in gameplay." I intend to be active with videos again, but they will likely include some commentary rather than just gameplay.

See you in the Gulch!



There and Back Again

(I originally posted this on some time ago, but can no longer find the link.  This post has been recreated here.)

I could see the stress of war on the faces of old friends around me at stark contrast to the nervous shifting of the young ones. Yet they all act with honor, courage, and commitment. But that whole world fades away even as the earth tones of a hostile desert give way to the warm colors of home once again. Many of us switched from the fast paced life to more family oriented “jobs.” Life slowed to what seemed like a standstill.

1. Enter Warcraft
1.1 Battlegrounds Introduced
1.2 Dabbled Twinking
2. There: Vulcano
2.1 Our Falling Away
2.2 My Falling Away
3. Back Again: Deadvulcano
3.1 Twinkinfo
3.2 Videos
3.3 PvE, PvP
4. Toons, Gaming
5. Summary

1. Enter Warcraft

A particular individual kept talking about a game that was coming out called World of Warcraft. Many of us had played previous Blizzard games and decided to give this one a shot. We made a guild “DoD” but it was painfully obvious progress that WoW and varied schedules just don't go together.

1.1 Battlegrounds Introduced

When battlegrounds were introduced it gave a whole new way to play. But the most shocking thing of all was how “good” some of these players seemed to be. I don't remember which server I was on when I was introduced to twinking, but it was probably Spirestone. There was an Undead rogue named “String” that used just about every engineering item possible. But I believe it was a Horde warrior that first made a toon on another account to congratulate us on a win. Completely different community then I know :p. That was really the first time I learned about how what twinking meant, as far as gearing is concerned.

1.2 Dabbled Twinking

This gave us a new way to play together without the problem of scheduling large blocks of time. Level 30 twinks ran rampant with gear and a signature talent point all over random people. It was never anything “serious”, just playing around and having fun. It is likely that most of the people there were honestly in the dark about twinking had no clue about why they were losing. This is another vast change in community. “Twink” is part of the vocabulary of just about every player in WoW today. Unfortunately not with a favorable light in most cases.

2. There: Vulcano

My first “serious” twink was a level 19 blood elf mage named Vulcano on the server Lethon. I had certainly made other twinks before, but no twink was ever as complete as Vulcano. Different gear sets for fire, frost, arcane, fc, etc. I played a 19 lock there called Majhacker. Level 29 Shaman Element with +81 healing on weapon :). Level 38 Mage for lawls, 39 Warrior. Tidal Charm is great fun. Level 49 Lock.

2.1 Our Falling Away

Lots of people I know stopped playing sometime before Wrath. People were getting back to their pre-WoW lives again. It was a great distraction in the mean time. Both my wife and I quit, but not until after duo'ing SFK on low level priest/rogue. My mage /played was immense over all brackets. Its things like seeing that /played time and thinking in terms of development time (programmer since before GNOME was a foot) that drove me to the next step. Vulcano, my most played toon the character that represented the bulk of my mage game play, was deleted. Twinking was a nice distraction between raiding events, but once we quit raiding there wasn't really a point anymore.

2.2 My Falling Away

Like most players, I never got involved in forums. I never really used any guides for twink gear either, I generally just did the math and worked pvp/pve models to determine the best setup for me. I still looked at sites like pwndepot or twinkinfo on occasion to see some twink vids or see changes about once a month. Didn't really like listening to most people vent in general. Though I still talk with a few ppl I met from raiding guilds to discuss things like leadership, management, etc. I didn't leave “completely” really. I just spent time soloing raid content while down gearing until it was sufficiently challenging. Very easy to find an hour or two for a solo raid/dungeon session.

3. Back again: Deadvulcano

Eventually I saw the news on twinkinfo about F2P. This was intriguing for a number of reasons. But ultimately Vulcano was “resurrected” as Deadvulcano. I enjoyed helping ppl in pugs again and still pulled off a strong win percentage. I played a few pug games with Çer (I don't believe he was on AP at the time? I don't remember really.) Eventually he would invite me out of the blue and we'd do a game or two. Maybe invite another player from AP. He mentioned something about twinkinfo, but I wasn't really familiar with it at the time. Once I saw that he was an MVP there I figured that twinkinfo must be a pretty good place. Maybe I'll finally join a game a forum.

3.1 Twinkinfo

It started well enough. I was certainly interested in helping other twinks in much the same way that I help guilds through content or 3 letter organizations through regional inspections :p. I'm actually reviewing my topic history as I write this to try to pin point where the problem that many old gamers feared, I'm talking D&D players here, first appeared. That didn't take long, third topic. I won't go into detail in this now but its a serious concern that is largely the fault of developers, and partially the fault of users.

3.2 Videos

Some people liked the basic videos, others still asked me to make them. I have enough video content that includes whispers from ppl that decided to join AP because of my videos, or conversations from ppl that found me outside of orgrimmar, to make a movie on that alone. The majority of hits currently are from random twinks searching for videos of what to make or just looking for something different. Ultimately random twinks are who I spent most of my time with in F2P. Its interesting to note that when the videos are early and the traffic is only from twinkinfo links that the videos get thumbs downed. This is interesting because I do these to help the community. Even when supporting twinking we have “trolls” that shoot positive twink publicity in the foot.

3.3 PvE, PvP

I don't solo raids anymore, but can get a similar experience down gearing to solo dungeons. This is fun and easy to set up. WC on lock was a good experience, but SFK on shaman was my best F2P experience. As far as PvP goes, I prefer the gameplay of zerg and the mechanics of SC2 in general. PvP in WoW has always been about the people to me. If even one person was still going to try, I'll do what I can to help them. Mostly I'm interested in proper reads and knowing what the opponent will do before he does it (I've worked on intelligence systems, so its fairly “nature” way for me to think this way.) I've played great games with Çer and pug games with ppl like Scripts, Cloudbreak, Spooch, Tashalah, etc. But I also remember several games where I pugged and got in with 2-3 other AP members. They afk after the first ally cap, we get a few good f2ps to replace them, and we win. Its part of the attitude that just shouldn't be there, but it exists none the less. Credit to those that stay throughout and fight when all looks lost. Never give up, never surrender.

4. Toons, Gaming

I tend to play a different “personality” depending on which toon I'm on. My rogue is definitely my rudest. Each one emphasizes something specific but the details are really unnecessary. Just a throwback from better times (D&D.) Its interesting to see how the incentives of gaming have really pushed ppl into behavior that otherwise didn't exist. Some of these incentives are not even really connected to the game. The vocal minority, not even sure its a minority anymore, speaks a different language. It is true that we're playing a game and/or posting on a forum, but that is no reason to treat people like anything other than people. Labeling it doesn't give you freedom either, simply saying its the internet doesn't solve the issue of what is happening. Its an unfortunate fact of modern gaming and will continue to plague human interaction until developers can solve it. There are plenty of TED talks about the subject of gaming or interaction if this seems interesting.

Its about people and their interactions to me. While winning is “important” due to incentives, its the interaction and the character of players that drives me in game. I'm not interested in the optimal “use” of my time as far as the game mechanics are concerned. The people that seem to adhere to these rules will /afk when things turn bad, or be upset about prolonging the game. These individuals do not even seem to like the game unless their incentive standard is reached. This is the beginning of a difference in the language. The game within the confines of the mechanics was boring many years ago. But the wealth of information/fun from behavior and interactions is amazing. I may make vocal an observation about player population. The view from my side is a question about the quality of the population as a whole, and which incentives are operating on the individual over their time with WoW that lead to the current situation. Is there a way to fix this problem within the mechanics currently available? What behavior might people take to correct this? A real example of this interaction will come soon enough :p

5. Summary

Everyone has their own story. My WoW story is summarized above. But “random” players are simply not known at all. The last toon you killed/yelled at/encouraged/belittled/etc is driven by someone with an entire life story up to that point, and a story that will continue after that point. All these interactions will vary in their impact, but the impact is made regardless. Its our niche style of gameplay that is on the line. Degrading each other does nothing productive to promote what has been a great journey for many of us. Where is the fresh blood? Where are the people sustaining the new players in their respective brackets? The forums are a very small part of it, but we often exclude people that may just be starting out. “Randoms” from other servers, people that have never heard of twinkinfo, etc.

I'm reminded of a discussion with another DM about building players. Its been awhile, but in general: If you beat a new player to within a inch of their life at the start of the game they will carry that with them for a very long time. They will be cautious and may completely miss activities altogether because of their first big encounter. BUT: if you let them explore and reward the risks you can build a stronger relationship where the player can help drive the game. Its not just the player though. That interaction paints their discussions with other potential players. What will they say to the fresh blood you haven't even seen yet? Those people that are now impacted by a lack of vision and may never come to enjoy the same things that we enjoy.

My time is practically done here. I had a good time and learned a lot. I hope the GuildWars 2 model will catch on and everyone will zone into pvp with equal and balanced gear. Realistically however, many people seem to just want to use their advantage by spending time/money to exploit other PEOPLE. Some individuals don't want to share information because then other people may enjoy the same benefits and an advantage is lost. This is my primary concern with GuildWars 2, can it attract enough people that care about a game that will strive for PvP balance? Or will the allure of exploiting advantages keep PvPers in WoW?