Somehow I completely do not care. I
played a few max leveled toons for a bit and was seriously bored out
of my mind.
The only thing that got me interested
was planning various solos. I could run a solo raid as a 85 dk, solo
MC on an old 80 lock. Maybe even use a lowbie pally and try to solo
every dungeon in the game at the lowest level available.
The last p2p wow project I was working
on was a twink warrior. I was locking exp gearing for bis at each
level. It was tedious. It was overpowered. It was boring.
Why? Its like instantly having access
to everything in the game. But I don't care... interestingly I
found that I have a few lowbie sergeants (level 26 mage, level 27
lock) and a several other "retired" twinks with old school
titles. Back then I twinked at odd levels to give some kind of
challenge. I suppose I do the same thing now.
I'm also downloading Tera while I type
this. I've been giving rift a chance, and I've been working on
rescheduling the latest iteration of my own game projects. This is
all while my 7 days tick away.
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